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A young man's voice against violence

Immagine del redattore: Nasir IbrahimNasir Ibrahim

Aggiornamento: 1 dic 2020

Not all men will listen, not all men will understand

You tell me you are not all men a sleight of hard

I can look at, and love you, and yet still be afraid

While so much violence still seems to be man-made

Do not usurp my story, don't tell me what to do

This is not about all men, don't make it personal

Not all men are sexist, not all men disrespect.

Not all men are the man who harms who he should protect

Not all men are vicious, not all men are brutes

Not all men are the ones who punches, rapes and shoots

Not all men use violence, most are courteous and kind

But when I talk of toxic men, others feel maligned.

When I say I'm afraid of men who mean me harm,

You tell me not make a fuss, there's no need for alarm,

That ont all men are like that, not to stress my pretty head

Or talk about those other men just look at you instead

But what of women suffering a slap, a punch, a shore,

A life of menacing oppression from a man they love

So I ask you to consider, when you jump in to defend,

How did speaking up for women become slandering of men?

Why is it when I voice my fears, you first defend your brother?

Instead of listening to your sisters, mothers or your lovers?

I need you to hear my voice and listen to my fears,

But you just keep on shouting louder and my voice just disappears.

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